The Devil’s Oil was created to help you manifest your desires, find freedom and bring happiness and enjoyment into your life.
This oil has as many uses as the devil has faces!
With it you can manifest success, rediscover your own power, attract love, awaken your magical abilities and enjoy life to the fullest.
It also helps to get to know its different forms and thus to make contact more easily.
The materials used in the production of the oil reflect its different aspects and are linked to its different names and their stories.
Be it the grave soil, which represents the rule of the devil over the realm of the dead, the tarragon, which grew wherever the tears of Saint Martha touched the ground because a dragon was killed, or the wormwood, which is associated with the fall of the light bearer Lucifer.
These are just some of the materials used.
Use the oil when consecrating ritual objects that you use when working with the devil and his subordinate spirits.
Consecrate a talisman for luck, prosperity, love or protection.
Anoint a candle with this oil that matches the color of your intention and say what you want to achieve.
The uses of this oil are as versatile as the devil himself!
The devil’s oil can stimulate the aspects with which it particularly resonates and thus support you in your magical work.
Be it the glowing flames of hell, the wild power from the earth or the light that brings knowledge and wisdom, with this oil you will find a way to achieve your goals!
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